Sunday, December 2, 2012

President Proposes a Law for Women?

            Women used to be the ones that had the least amount of rights, but now it maybe the men. The law states that during a divorce if it is found that the woman had made the most money then she would make the most decisions concerning the possessions and anything else which means she has more power of the man she is divorcing. Also the law states that during a divorce if it is found that the man had made the most money then he would make the half of decisions concerning the possessions and half of anything else which means if the man is a man in the marriage then in the divorce they are equal. Can you believe that our president proposed this ridiculous law even though he is a male?
Ever heard of a woman faring more than a man? Does the United States of America only care about the welfare of women after a divorce? Is it constitutional or American for women to have rights that men are denied because of money. The Declaration of Independence says that they have a right to, but do they?

            If this law passes we will never be truly equals in anything. This will be like the black widow and her mate. The female has all the power because she is much bigger, and then when she done with him she eats him. The women in society would take advantage of this law to the maximum by only marrying a man to steal his possessions and have kids. Then the women of America would divorce the guy and take everything he owns. The man will then be homeless and he would have to run back to his mother in heartbreak and may stay at her house for the rest of his sad life because someone used him and his confidence is gone forever.

           In the state of Georgia everyone can vote as long as you are over 21, you are citizen of the United States, you have lived at your current resident for at least 30 days, and you are not in jail, so that makes almost everyone equal not including the differences between gender. People in the U.S. can be biased because some people think women are always angel like, but they are wrong. There are millions of men who are deprived of the children they so love. The mothers of children can be greedy and selfish when it comes to their children. They hog their children thus keeping the man for seeing his children that he deserves to see. The women think they always know what is best for their child when in fact they maybe the worst parent to that child. Is it fair that people are biased towards women and most of the time they get their way?

            Men know women can be backsliders, abrasive, uncaring, and can be ignoramus of the fact that they are not nor shall they ever be fit to parent a child. Men can believe they are the better of the human species, but they are wrong in thinking that we are weak. Men act sometimes just like the old British men who wore those ugly powdered wigs.
            This law is not right because men and women need to stay together and become like one because this is The United States of America not some little country that nobody knows of and has no rules what so ever. The U.S. needs to fight in unity against a common enemy. The sword is wavering between the men and women of this country when it should not be there. It may fall and split the two or it may make them stronger to where they pick up the sword together and fight the enemy which is called, “The Formative Foe.” The enemy maybe different things, but two is better than one, so evil shall lose. John F. Kennedy said, “United, there is little we cannot do in a host of cooperative ventures.” (Inaugural Address, 197)

            Who should stand of for the men? The women who finally have the upper hand? Should we help the men become equal to us even though through all of the pain they have caused us for thousands of years? Men say they are strong and will stand up for what they believe in, but are they really? I hardly hear of a man protesting he is not equal with women, so why should I help. Through the years men have said, “No I am the master of this house,” but women are the actual ones running it. In a marriage there used to be no partnership, but now there is because of all the women in history who made the dream come true.

           Considering that this law is put into place what would the man do if the wife took everything? My guess he would have to be self reliant and get or keep his job and hopefully get over the heartbreak she has caused. He should accept what has come and start anew. Ralph Waldo Emerson once said something like that. “Accept the place the divine providence has found for you…..the connection of events.” (Self-Reliance 391) He wants man to know that something caused his life to go this way and he should trust himself to follow and make the best of the situation.

            Should we let the government take over what we do every waking second of our lives? I think we should peacefully protest this law because the government should govern the most important things not something about someone’s personal life. Our government is going the wrong way about things and in “each instant losing some of its integrity.” (Thoreau 412) The government is losing it and we need to show it the way which is American and constitutional. If not our great nation will fall and become like the other great nations that fell to silly things. I personally do not want to become a “Roman Empire” in history.
Comments and criticism are needed in this format.
Is my thesis strong and clear?
Did my paper support the thesis I presented in the first paragraph?
Was my paper concluded well?
Strengths and weaknesses as a writer
Do you agree or disagree with my opinion and the law?Why?
Work Cited
"Dutchess County Board of Elections." Voter Registration Requirements. N.p., n.d. Web. 25
Thoreau, Henry D. Civil Disobedience. 2002. Literature: Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes. 7th       
              ed. Needham: Prentice Hall, 2002. 412-13. Print.
Kennedy, John. F. Inaugural Address. 2002. Literature: Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes. 7th
              ed. Needham: Prentice Hall, 2002. 196-200. Print.
Emerson, Ralph W. Self-Reliance. 2002. Literature: Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes. 7th ed.
              Needham: Prentice Hall, 2002. 391-92. Print.
I also have a video that goes with the essay.
If you could read my essay, answer the questions, watch my video, and comment here about the video I would very much appreciate that.
Link Below

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